Monday, May 24, 2010

Update on Haley, 05/24/10

Hi all,
Haley has been getting acclimated back at home since last Thursday. I asked her what the best part of being at home is, and she said, "Being at home."

She and Trent stayed with us last night, because she had an eye doctor appointment at 8:00am today. We had a nice dinner of Corky's BBQ and then talked a little before going to bed. Haley was tired and needed to get some rest.

We talked this afternoon, and she gave me an update about her appointment.
An outpatient surgery is scheduled to remove her right eye on Thursday, June 3rd. A few days ago, she told me this would take about 45 minutes. However, a couple other things will be done at the same time, so it may take a little longer. Her right eye lid still isn't opening, so the doctors are going to correct this. They said it will take "getting in" to determine what is causing it, but feel confident it will be fine. There are tests to find the cause, but the doctor said it is painful so will wait until she is under anesthesia. The other thing they will correct is the bottom part of the left eye (bottom eye lashes...can't think of the name right now). It sags slightly, so they will correct it during surgery also. The vision in the left eye is great at this phase. The only problem she has with it right now is looking down sharply. I asked if the prosthetic eye will be inserted during this same surgery, and she thinks so.

She also had an appointment with the facial surgeons. These doctors don't want to do any more surgeries until around Labor Day. They want to ensure all swelling is gone and everything is where it should be. This will allow them to know exactly what they are working with before moving forward.

Haley is doing good emotionally. She still has a positive attitude but needs our prayers to keep her spirits lifted. It is only natural that she will have emotional healing along with the physical during this time. Haley can't read texts on her iPhone yet, but Trent is a dear and reads them to her. So, send her love and keep praying for her, Trent, and her parents.

For all of you who sent prayers and well wishes for Haley to Aubrey for the prayer/friendship quilt, it is complete. Haley received it this weekend and loves it! She thinks it is wonderful and absolutely beautiful. Thanks to Aubrey and her mom for creating this amazing gift for Haley. And thanks to all of you who sent prayers, quotes, scripture, and thoughtful messages to include. Aubrey sent pictures, but they're not uploading to the post for some reason. I'll figure it out and include next time.

I'll post an update after surgery next week if not before.

Good night,

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Update on Haley, 05/20/10

How exciting, Haley was released from the hospital today!

I called Trent around 3:00pm to see if they had left the hospital yet. He said they just got Haley a cheeseburger from the McDonald's drive-thru and were on I-240 headed to Corinth. She was feeling well and everything was good.

That's really all the info I have today but isn't it great!

Good night,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update on Haley, 05/19/10

Hi all,
Haley and Trent are in great spirits because they are going home tomorrow! Brad and I just got home from a wonderful visit. It was like we were all hanging out talking together somewhere other than the Med.

Today was another big day. The stitches on her forehead and the trach were removed earlier in the day. She also had several visitors. We almost didn't go because she was so tired, but she had a great nap this afternoon and let us know she was rested. Her vision in the left eye is blurry at times because of ointment and drops. She is regaining her balance and was walking around the room by herself and doing great.

Trent and Haley will be back in Memphis Sunday night, because her eye appointment is early Monday morning. The condo they were staying at is available again, so they will be able to stay there Sunday night. Haley believes that all surgeries will be outpatient from now on unless something changes.

Haley asked that I keep updating the blog until she and Trent are settled at home. Trent said I will probably need to do it until Haley can even though I assured him it is as easy Facebook. The plan for tomorrow is they will hopefully leave early, get home and situated, turn phones off, A/C on high, and get some sleep in their own bed.

If you want to visit them in Corinth, it is best to text Trent or Myra and arrange with them. If you need their numbers, just let me know. Haley can see her phone but again her vision is sometimes blurry and will hopefully be getting good rest for the next few days. Also, if you want to send mail or packages, I can text or email you their address.

Haley and Trent are grateful to God, all of you for praying, visiting, cards, gifts, calls, and messages, and the doctor's who have and will continue to assist. Tonight, she said she's a believer in miracles and knows if it is God's will for her to regain site in her right eye, it will happen. Please keep praying for God to continue healing Haley physically and emotionally and be with Trent and her parents.

Good night,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Update on Haley, 05/18/10

There is major news to share - Haley may be going home this Thursday or Friday! Isn't this the best news you've heard all day?! I just had a quick visit with her and Myra. Myra asked me to get some more supplies because they were getting settled in. When I arrived, Haley said, "I'm going home." This is proof of God's work for Haley to progress so well and quickly.

Nothing can top her going home, but there is more. She is completely wireless - no IV or feeding tube. The trach tube was reduced today to a really small size, so she can talk just fine! The swelling continues to reduce and her left eye looks better each day. She feels confident the trach will come out all together tomorrow.

Another big step today was her hair. She had it buzzed all over to be the same length. She talked about it a couple times, but I didn't want to share in case she changed her mind. Last night, she told me she would rock the short cut for a while. Before her parents left Corinth today, Haley's good friend Amber buzzed her dad's hair also. They have matching buzz cuts.

Her spirits are high with this good news and visits with friends today. Micaela and another friend from Corinth, Annie, had good visits. She was grateful for them coming to see her. I only know of one other person who has as many true friends as Haley.

As for next steps if she is released from the hospital this week, she has an appointment with her eye doctor next Monday. She may be in Memphis a couple days during the upcoming weeks for doctor appointments. I sent Myra a text asking if the other surgeries will be outpatient or overnight, etc., but haven't received a response yet.

This may be one of the shortest updates of all, but this news is amazing and stands all on its own.

Good night,

Monday, May 17, 2010

Update on Haley, 05/17/10

Hi all,
Haley had another wonderful day. She was busy today with visitors and a shower. When Brad and I walked in, she was sitting up in the bed wearing pretty pink pajamas that were a gift from her friend Kamesha. She looked fresh from her shower.

Trent and Brad went to dinner, so Haley and I just hung out and talked. She is now able to get enough wind beyond the trach to speak at times! It was music to my ears to hear her talking. She was really tired after a few full days. She said the trach will either be removed or downsized considerably this Thursday. It aggravates her, so she is more than ready for it to be gone. The nurse put an ointment in her left eye, so she couldn't see us until right before we left. When she could see, she waved to let us know.

The doctors made their rounds today and everything is as it should be. My dear pal and co-worker Leslie Broadway's husband is a fifth year neurosurgeon at the Med and stopped by to visit with her today. He told her that he's keeping up with her progress. After he visited with her, he told Leslie that Haley looks great. You know I will drop a name or two to make sure my pals are taken care of, so everyone at the Med knows Haley has a connection to Dr. Broadway!

While the guys were gone to dinner, she asked if I would file her nails. She had to give me a lesson as manicures are not my strong suit. Her patience is inspiring...even with me attempting to file her nails. While I worked on her nails, she told me that she saw herself for the first time last night. She was positive and grateful for how good she looks as she thought it would be worse. I assured her that she looks great and gets better every day.

Trent asked me to bring avocado, lime, and sea salt because she was craving it. He sliced the avocado and sprinkled with lime juice and salt. She ate half of it and made Brad eat a slice (because he doesn't like avocado). Of course, he couldn't say no to Haley, so we got a kick out watching him put it down.

Her room continues to be filled with cards and gifts. She loves the beautiful and huge arrangement sent by the Octagon ladies. It has the biggest sunflowers, hot pink hydrangea, and lilies. Thankfully, it is large enough to sit on the floor, because there isn't much counter space in the room.

As she took a little nap, I realized again how lucky we all are to have Haley in our lives as a friend, wife, daughter and/or family member. Haley is precious, and God has blessed us with her.

Good night,

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/16/10 Evening

Haley had another amazing day. She can now open and close her left eye; therefore, she can see! Also, the staples were removed from the incision around her head! Big, big day.

Trent went home yesterday, Saturday, to spend time with his son Colton. He and I arrived at the hospital this evening around the same time, and relieved her parents who are spending a couple days in Corinth. Her dinner arrived, and she was eating so well. She's on a "whatever she wants diet" as long as it is soft and requires minimal chewing due to the trach. It was wonderful to watch her feed herself, mix the salt in her potatoes, and choose what she wanted to eat. Trent's brother who lives in Southaven, MS is visiting later tonight and bringing homemade chicken noodle soup.

While Trent went to get a quick dinner in the cafeteria, Haley and I sat together and talked for about 20 minutes. It was wonderful to talk with her and make eye contact. She is so thankful for all the prayers, gifts and visitors. She kept thanking me for everything over and over. I told her I can't imagine doing anything else. She said, "I know, but you know I don't do thank you cards, so just want to tell you." That's our Haley.

She opened up a little about the emotional side things and said she can not believe this has happened. I encouraged her not to wonder why, and she agreed. She said she can't get emotional while getting through this. I've been worried about how she spent her time alone in thought, so am very glad to see God is giving her the determination to put all her energy into healing.

To pass the time when she can't sleep, she sits up to stretch her back, arms, and legs and prays constantly to God. She said at first, she didn't pray because she was so out of it that she couldn't really focus. Now that she can focus, she is praying and just talking to God every chance she has. Her attitude and determination is humbling. Haley's spirit is encouraging and makes us realize just what is important and not in life.

She said she can't keep her eye open all day because it gets tired easily but can for a few hours at a time. She explained that she will take a nap to rest the eye, wake up, eat a little, and stay up for a while with her eye open. She doesn't want to over do it but is fighting hard (and raised her fist in the air when saying this). As she told her district manager from Kirkland's who visited her today, "I got this...I got this. I'll be back."

Good night,

Saturday, May 15, 2010

05/15/2010, Evening

Haley had a rock star day and evening! It is amazing at how much happened so quickly today.

The hospital called Trent at 5:00am to let him know Haley was moved to a private room! After breakfast, we all went to her new room. When we arrived, she seemed stressed because she was in a new setting without knowing what it looked like and was by herself. First thing, she wrote on her board, "Please don't leave me by myself." Trent and Myra assured her that someone will be her around the clock. We immediately began setting up "house" by taping all her cards to the wall and getting her other items placed. After an hour or so, she seemed relaxed.

Next, a food tray was delivered to her room and she ate about three bites of grits and eggs! This was her first food other than the tube in 12 days, and she was so grateful. I wanted to run through the halls screaming in excitement on her behalf.

Then next, one of the oral and facial surgeons came in to make his rounds. He had wonderful bedside manner and spent a decent amount of time checking on her and explaining some things to her mom. Even though he's not the eye surgeon, Myra asked if he would clean her left eye, so it can open freely as soon as the swelling goes down enough. He then lifted the left eye lid and held up three fingers. She held up three fingers. I was standing at the foot of the bed directly in front of her, and when I realized she definitely could see I smiled from ear to hear and started waving both hands like a mad woman. Haley smiled and waved back. I was like a proud mama bear, and it made my heart flutter!

Ok, then a few hours later, Brad and I went to Kirkland's to get a lamp and couple other decorative items for her room, Myra called and said Trent called her and said the physical therapist got her out of bed and walked her to the nurse station right outside her door! She was able to walk for the first time in 12 days.

Later this evening, Brad and I went to the hospital to relieve Mike and Myra for dinner. Haley's friend Dana was visiting who is a nurse. Haley wanted some Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup, so Dana walked her from the bed to a chair. Haley sat up and drank the soup (with the mini noodles) from a straw. She sat in the chair for around thirty minutes and loved every minute of it. When she was sitting there, I looked over at Brad and almost teared up in amazement at God's healing power. It is surreal that all this has happened, but our friend Haley is fighting so hard to overcome this situation as quickly as possible.

Other the trach, feeding tube, and blood pressure thingy there is nothing else attached to her. The swelling reduces almost by the hour, and she looks better and better. She did say this morning that she is ready for all this to be over with, but she is the best patient in the world. She said someone told her the feeding tube will stay in until after the next surgery. She didn't know when the next surgery is planned to happen but she will be here for another four weeks.

While she is in the hospital, we're trying to make it as comfortable for her as possible. Trent got her a dock for her iPhone and put some good chill music on it for her, we put a light in the room to avoid using the harsh fluorescent overhead light, placed her cards on the blinds and wall (which will be completely covered soon), put an electric cooler/fridge in the room, hung a plaque that says, "with God, all things are possible", and a coordinating monogram "L" rug beside her bed (She's the manager of Kirkland's, so yes it is necessary.) When she opens her eyes, we want her to be in as comforting of a setting as possible.

The last thing I will share is a special visit from the Kirkland's truck driver who came for the second Saturday in a row. He and his wife are the sweetest people, and Haley lights up when they visit. Before they left this morning, he asked if he could pray for Haley. We all joined hands and circled her bed while he said a lovely and uplifting prayer. It is still the best thing any of us can do for her right now - pray. She is in a new phase of the healing process and will continue to need all our prayers as the phases continue to transition.

Good night,

Friday, May 14, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/14/10 Evening

Haley is doing good today especially after having such a major surgery yesterday. She is still receiving morphine but is much more alert than I thought she would be. When we visited this evening at 5:00pm, she was mouthing words and writing down plenty. I'm pretty sure I heard the faintest whisper ever!

When I asked how she was today, she said "ok" and nodded her head in a reassuring way. Then said she is getting a lot of rest today. She is fighting so hard through what has to be a painful physical and emotional journey. Everything is as it should be right now regarding her status. Maybe even better when you factor in her great attitude. It was wonderful to see her without the neck collar, ventilator and eye bandages. It has to be more comfortable for her now that less is on her face and neck.

So you have an understanding of her physical condition, the right eye is swollen more than the left. There is a cut on the left eyelid and a stitched line from the left eye over to the right eye. Her chin and cheeks are swollen from the surgery, but Trent says the swelling has gone down since yesterday. Which is of course wonderful.

Abbie, Nick and baby Kate Speyrer sent her the very sweetest card. She asked me to read it to her. While reading it, she would mouth, "ah". She hung on to every word. Then I told her Abby wrote a little note from Kate and traced Kate's hand, she said, "Ooh." Abby sent some pictures with Haley and one of Nick and Haley. I described each one to her, and she just smiled and nodded her head.

She wrote, "I should be moving to a room soon!" She nodded yes when I asked if that's what "they" told her today. Trent will be glad for her to be in a room, so he and others can spend more time and the night with her. We told her we'll sell tickets to the line of people who will file in when they can see her at all times.

Trent and his daughter Abby are staying with us tonight. They've gone back to the 9:00pm visitation. Trent is tired but doing an amazing job of taking care of Haley as best possible. I think it makes him feel good to have Abby here on the weekends. She is such a sweet and beautiful young lady. I'm not sure how much you all know about Myra, but she is a hoot. Myra told Haley that Abby has inherited many things from her (Myra). Abby is taller, thin, and tan. Myra is shorter than me and fair complected. Haley wrote and asked if Myra was referring to her height or skin tone. It was just like old times with Haley entertaining everyone around.

Keep praying,

5/14/10 Update from Liz

Just wanted to give you guys a quick update on Phyllis. She had about
7+ hours of surgery today to begin reconstruction of her face and
continue work on her eyes. It was a big day for her and lots of stress for her family awaiting the outcome. I just got off the phone with Myra, Haley's mom, and she and her dad had a lot of time to talk to the doctors today, which was great.

In terms of the future, they are still not giving any timelines, in fact Myra said one of the doctors mentioned that this is going to be a long road and that many people are still having surgeries a year out in accidents like this. The surgeries will lessen in intensity as time goes on. Almost all of the bones in Haley's face we crushed. They did not have a lot to work with. However, it looks like with the photos they were given and a great deal of specialists involved in the surgery, they reconstructed the base of her face out of titanium. That is great news! Her mom says she looks great and that base will give them the underlying structure to continue to build upon. Her nose is still problematic as there isn't really anything to build from there, but they will work on that over time. Haley has all her teeth, which is amazing! She has a space in the front, but seeing as she always wanted braces, it looks like that will be all it will take to fix that issue down the road.

Her eyes are another story. The right eye, which has been of great concern throughout, looks like it is not reacting at all. So, most likely that will have to be removed at some point. Haley's parents are hoping that decision can be made by Haley herself as they were told by the doctor today that they had more time to decide about that than they initially thought! Awesome news. And, best of all, her left eye is responding very well! The doc ran some tests and was very encouraged by how well her eye responded. So, as part of the facial base, they started to rebuild the right eye socket. They aren't doing much to the left eye yet, as they want to let it heal and get strong and let the swelling go down. So, they will address that issue as she heals.

Overall, after the stressful waiting, today was a wonderful day. The doctors told Haley's parents how well the surgeries went today and how they think she will heal quickly. The also mentioned that a number of the nurses and docs were so impressed by what a strong support network Haley has in her family and friends. They thought that would just help her get better faster and faster. So, it looks like docs and nurses gossip too!

I cannot express how encouraged Haley's mom sounded and also was relieved she got to have dinner and stay the night at Christie and Brad's house last night. Said she fell asleep right away. She's heading back to Corinth tomorrow for a few hours to check on the houses and pick up Trent's daughter, Abby (my new pal) to bring her back for the weekend. So, good news from Memphis. It's still a long road ahead, but she's so strong and soon they will be moving to get her off of the trach and breathing on her own.

Hope you are all smiling with me as this was a great day! I will update you again soon.

Love . . . Liz

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/13/10 Afternoon

Haley should be out of surgery and in recovery. Myra sent a text at 2:24pm that said the doctors were closing and should be a couple more hours. Then at 2:57pm, she sent another message that said they talked with the surgeons. Trent just called and we talked about the surgery a little more.

Both teams talked with the family and said they did the best they could during this surgery and it is a good foundation to begin the reconstruction. They had difficulty with her nose, because so many bones were destroyed. There will be another procedure on the nose and other things, but Trent didn't elude to a timeframe.

The surgeons were able to insert the implants for eye sockets but did more on the right than the left. They didn't want to disrupt the left eye too much at one time since they know it is good, so they focused more around the right eye. They didn't discover anything that makes them feel differently about the right eye functioning but made the decision it can stay in longer than three weeks. The chances in the rejection at this point are 1/50,000. The reason they will wait is so Haley can be more involved in this decision.

I misread Myra's text at first and thought it said the surgeons "don't" think they did a good job and my heart sank. Thankfully, thankfully, I misread! I really dreaded sending this email until I realized it said "do".

Trent sounded worn out and said he was. I asked Myra if she wanted to talk, and she said no. They are also fragile right now, and I'm sure this day just zapped them. Depending on how awake Haley is from the surgery, they may or may not get to visit her at 5:00pm. Brad and I are going to BBQ Fest this evening but will check in with Trent later tonight.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/12/10 Evening

Haley had another good day. Trent and Myra came to our house for dinner, and Myra is spending the night here tonight. I didn't visit with Haley today, so updates are through the two of them.

A major surgery is tomorrow, so lots of prayers for the surgeons, Haley during surgery and afterward, and her family while waiting through it. The surgery will reconstruct everything from the eyes down. Her mouth will be wired after this because everything in her mouth area is broken (her teeth are fine). The doctor said Haley may have braces eventually. Haley always wanted braces, so now her wish may come true.

I learned more about her eyes from Trent. They saw her without bandages on her eyes for the first time today. The left eye is flat because the socket was crushed. The right eye protrudes because it was punctured by something. Tomorrow, the surgeons will implant metal and other artificial material to replace the sockets that basically hold the eye (picture right below the eye). As you all know, Haley told Trent on Saturday she could see light out of her right eye. The doctors told the family today they have checked her eyes daily and it is not responding to any of the tests performed. At first today, the plastic surgeon said the eye would be removed tomorrow during surgery. Later, Trent spoke to the eye surgeon and asked what he would do if it were his wife. The eye surgeon said he would wait three weeks from the accident at the longest. If the eye is not functioning, the body will reject it at some point. There is also a very, very small percentage that if the body rejects one eye it could begin rejecting the other eye. Thus, the three week max timeline. Trent and Myra seem at peace with what God has planned for Haley's eye. They are so grateful for Haley and realize how blessed she is even though this will be tough for her.

Today had a couple milestones. The neck collar was removed, so you can see more of her face and she is more comfortable. She is mouthing words now and not having to rely on the white board as much. And greatest of all, the external oxygen tube was disconnected from the trach and covered with an oxygen mask. She is breathing through her nose, but with assistance from the oxygen mask/trach.

For the true Haley portion of the update, here are some things she did today - shaved her legs with bandages on her eyes and her surgeon walked in and caught her, acted sassy today during visitations, and had her friend Dana wash her hair.

Trent and her parents are so grateful for all your prayers and thoughts. God is listening and taking care of our precious Haley.

Good night,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/11/10 Evening

Another great report for all of you. Brad and I visited with Haley and Trent during the 9:00pm visitation, and she is doing so well.
The ventilator was removed today, and the trach was inserted (Realized I told you all last night that Haley was having a trachea inserted....I was clearly tired and didn't catch that until this morning.).

Now the ventilator is gone she can move her lips and show her teeth. The neck collar is still on and not sure if it will remain or not. As she gets stronger, the tube with the trach will be replaced with smaller ones. Trent said hopefully the tube will be small enough in a couple weeks that wind will be able to pass the tube and allow her to whisper.

Finally, with some help from the ALSAC/St. Jude video team, the mp3 player is loaded. Haley can feel the buttons and listen to as she wants between visits. She was very excited to finally get this. She received another gift today, a new powerful fan with a remote control. She has a new gown with a pocket in the center, so she can stash the fan remote and mp3 player. She's getting set up.

Liz and I had pictures printed for the surgeons today. This will allow them to see Haley's features with different expressions. Trent was looking at them and said, "Dang baby. You're fine." In true Haley style, she curled her lips up as to say, "Uuhhm hmmm, you know it." When Haley's bandages are removed, she will have pictures from IL to AL to see all of your smiling faces who have been praying for her. We also put a picture in her room of her and Trent from their wedding shower at Ricatoni's in a frame that says, "Live & Laugh".

I asked her if the nights go by fast, and she shook her head no. She kinda shrugged her shoulders when I asked if she was sleeping good.
Her attitude is amazing. Trent was telling her blessed she is, and she was steadily nodding her head. Her spirit is amazingly strong.

At one point, she puckered her lips up for Trent to kiss her. When he did, she puckered up again for more. Brad and I took our cue and told them we would leave, so they could make out. We did leave, so they can just have some time alone because that is so important. When we told Haley bye, she mouthed, "I love you. Thank you." It was so great to see her lips move!

Keep praying for Haley, Trent, and her parents. The major surgery is Thursday, and hopefully everything will go great.

Good night,

Monday, May 10, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/10/10 Evening

Haley is doing better everyday. She seems to be more and more like Haley each time we visit.
There hasn't been much change, but she is getting stronger. When we went in at 5:00pm, the nurse had just given her a bath. She wrote to her mom and asked if she and I would shave her legs!...and we did! I can't imagine enjoying anything more than doing something Haley really wants.

Tomorrow, the ventilator will be removed and replaced with a trachea. The nurse says this will be for the better at this time. This will eliminate the large neck collar that holds her neck back, allow her to eat soon, and move her mouth some. The trachea will begin with a large tube and be decreased as she gets better. She will have her next major surgery on Thursday, and her mouth will be wired then. I'm not sure how this will affect speech and mouth movement.

Trent, Myra, and Mike seem to be doing good today also. They are so appreciative for all the prayers and thoughts.

Good night,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/09/10 Evening

Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely mothers. Haley's mom was even in good spirits this evening. Liz, Brad and I gave Myra a card and gift from us, Haley and Trent. She was so appreciative.

Brad and I went to the 5:00pm visitation to spend time with Haley. She was sleepy but in a good mood as far as we could tell.

Trent, his daughter Abby, and Liz went music shopping today. They got her an inexpensive MP3 (in case it walks off from her room) and six perfect-for-Haley CDs. Liz put one in a CD walkman, and Haley started jamming out to "Your Love" by The Outfield. She wiggled around and moved her hands and head. As I type, we are downloading the following: Now That's What I Call Dance Classics, Now That's What I Call Club Hits, SNL 25 Years Musical Performances, Girl Power, and Rock of the 80s. Can't you see Haley jamming out to all these songs!?

As for her condition, she is taking even bigger breaths on her own, the swelling continues to reduce, her coloring is better, temperature is low-grade which is normal, and she is moving around more and more. The nurse said the only time Haley called her this afternoon was to find out when the next visitation would take place.

Trent said the next surgery won't take place tomorrow but instead on Thursday. It will be performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons with the goal of reconstructing her cheek bones and roof of mouth. Afterward, her jaws will be wired. My assumption is the ventilator can't remain if she is wired - total assumption on my part. Trent has been practicing talking without moving jaws in hopes Haley will be able to communicate verbally soon.

She really wants her wedding rings and rubbed her ring finger today. Trent explained she has to sign for them and they are secure in a safe at The Med until she can sign. He put his wedding band on her finger and told her to wear that for a while. She rubbed it and quickly realized that was his and waived at him as to say, "You didn't trick me."

Pray for Haley's close friend Liz. She is the farthest away of all her pals, so it was really difficult for her to leave Memphis tonight. She stayed as late as she could and left after the 5:00pm visit. She was going to drive a few hours and find a hotel to sleep for tonight then go into work tomorrow afternoon. Liz is a wonderful woman. If you have the chance to meet her, you will understand why Haley and she are such close friends, even eight hours away.

Trent and Haley's parents are tired. So please also pray for them to have the endurance it's going to take to get through the immediate hospital phase of recovery. Thankfully, they are leaving the hospital more frequently between visits and staying at a relative's friend's condo downtown with an amazing view of the river. Trent said it is so relaxing to sit on the balcony and watch the river. Bless his soul.

Of course, it goes without saying, continue praying for Haley. Let's pray hard and often for her physical and emotional recovery.

Good night,

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/08/10 Evening

Thankfully, there is more good news to share about Haley's recovery.
I last saw her at 9:00am, and she was doing good. It was my favorite visit so far. It just felt like we were all spending time with our good friend Haley. Liz, Trent, Abby and I laughed and cackled while Haley smiled. I just know/hope she was laughing inside.

Liz has been with her each visitation and said she got stronger with each one. Leigh Graham Prince (Tupelo, MS) and her close pal Lauren Mitchell (Florence, AL) drove in to see her today. Haley has so many amazing friendships.

Leigh sent a text message out this evening that included great news: all her vitals are good and she's initiating every breath on the ventilator. Leigh reported back that Haley is still funny without sight or speech! She held Haley's hand and told her how much we're all thinking about her.

Liz said they played some music for her, and Haley gave them a little hand dance. Also, Liz said "they" (I'm assuming nurses) told them Haley had a rough Friday night. She has been taken off Dilaudin (sp?), a very strong pain medication, because she was having bad hallucinations and hearing things. Now, she's only on Percoset and will receive Morphine if needed.

Now, for the truly amazing news of the day - Haley says she can see light out of both eyes! When Trent went in her room this evening, he turned on the light. Haley wrote on the dry erase board, "Turn off the light." Trent asked her two times during the visit if she could see out of her right eye. Both times, Haley nodded yes. Finally at the end of the visit when it was only Trent and Haley in the room, he leaned into her and touched her right cheek. Then he said, "I'm going to ask one more time to make sure. Are you sure you can see out of your right eye?" At this point, Haley raised her fist and waived it in the air at him and nodded yes. While telling me this, I could hear how grateful and hopeful Trent is. He thinks it will be Monday before the doctors will look at the eye again, so keep the prayers flowing about her vision in the right eye.

If you want to send cards or anything else to Haley, feel free to send them to our house. I'll make sure to deliver them to Haley and Trent. She can have items taped to the blinds to decorate her room. From the way things are progressing, it may not be too long until her eyes are open and will be able to see all her well wishes between visits.

Good night,

Friday, May 7, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/07/10 Evening

Sorry for a late night update, but it is well worth the wait.

Haley is getting much better. There were seven of us at the hospital to visit tonight, so we took turns. Trent, his daughter Abby, and her great pal Liz from IL went in first. Liz said when Haley realized it was her, she started kicking her feet under the cover. Liz is an expert interpreter for Haley's hand signals. Trent said he needed her to stay and translate full time.

Brad, Haley's aunt and cousin from GA, and I went in for the second half of the visit (FYI - visitation times are 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm and last 40 - 60 minutes each). Trent told her we all were there and she signed "I love you". At first none of us caught on to the sign and thought she was telling us "Rock on"....Trent had to give us a little sign language lesson. I thought, "whoa, she is feeling awesome on the medicine."

So here is a run down of how she looks at this phase. She has a buzz cut from the hair line to behind her ears on the right side of her face from the last surgery. Her eyes are still covered with bandages and gauze. The ventilator is still in but the nurses have been turning it off in increments. When they turn it off, Haley is breathing on her on. The swelling has gone down in her arms, hands, etc. which makes her look so much better in itself. When Trent goes in now, he removes her hands from the restraints, so she can move them more freely. The main reason they are restrained is to keep her from touching the ventilator. When waking up, the natural think a person wants to do is grab for the ventilator and pull it.

As for her attitude she was very responsive. She actually "fired" a nurse today who gave her pain medicine after she motioned no. Later, she asked someone to find out if she received pain medicine and found she did. She asked they change her nurse. When Trent was telling the story while we were in her room, she motioned her hand as in a "shew, get out motion" to assist Trent in telling the story. The reason she didn't want to take the pain medicine is so she can be more alert when she has visitors. Other than this, she is receiving great care. Also, my dear friend's husband is a fourth year neurosurgeon resident at The Med. He didn't operate on her because he and Leslie were in Philadelphia for a seminar this week. Soooo, I proceeded to name drop Dr. Broadway around that hospital left and right. Leslie told me, he talked/emailed with the attending resident for Haley's big surgery on Wednesday. Tonight, Trent asked if my friend's husband is Dr. Broadway, because the nurses told him they are still keeping Dr. Broadway updated on her status. See there, name dropping does pay off!

Here's something funny, Haley motioned for the dry erase board. Trent gave her a hard time about writing letters like the random jumbled security letters for passwords on the internet. I was so excited to read what she wanted us to know and was hanging on to every letter. Finally, we realized it said, "Where is the fan?" I was standing in front of it and blocking her air! Of course, I was waiting on some dramatic message, and it was about air. She also asked for a tissue and wiped her nose on her own.

Haley's step-son Colton is really worried and he asks about Haley's eye. The next thing he asks is if she will have Autism, so he is really confused. Abby the teenage older sister is so put off by this and asks, "Where does he get this stuff?"

We got a few more details about how the accident happened. Abby told Liz, they all were going through a trail on the woods. There was a part that climbed up, so Trent took Colton up the hill on his ATV and was going to come back to get them. While waiting for Trent to come back, Haley just moved the ATV and somehow it flipped back. Abby was thrown off and Haley held on to the handle bars. That's how it fell on her face. Haley and Abby were not attempting to go up the hill but just gassed the ATV. They were about five miles from the road, so that is how far Trent had to drive all four of them after the accident. This is a pieced together conversation from Abby to Liz and Aunt Joanie to me. Again, Liz and I place disclaimers on this.

Haley's brother, Jacob, graduates from Ole Miss tomorrow, so her parents are going to be there tomorrow and back in Memphis on Sunday, as far as I know.
Continue praying for Haley's recovery, Trent and her family. They are now at the tired phase. We can tell they are exhausted and have approximately 3-4 more weeks at The Med (as far as we know now).

I must go so Liz and I can continue telling funny stories of Haley and us.

Good night,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/06/10 Evening

Today has been a good day. I just talked with Trent a few minutes ago for the second time.

This afternoon, Haley went in for an angiogram. The test injected dye to flow through the blood vessels in her face to make sure blood is flowing as it should. The flow is good in everything they were looking at. Trent's not sure exactly if that means blood is flowing to brain or face or what, but he does know the doctor's are pleased with it. During this test, the ventilator was turned off briefly, and Haley was breathing on her own! This is such a great sign. Her nurse this evening seems to think the ventilator will come out soon and chances of her needing a tracheotomy after the ventilator is removed are reducing! Again, another great sign.

Haley rolled on her side and asked Trent to scratch her back. She wrote "starving" on the notepad tonight, so the nurse was going to put more food in the feeding tube.

Brad and I were on our way to see her tonight, but silly me locked the keys in the house. We realized just before leaving and the locksmith took a while, so we missed seeing her tonight, but that's ok. I'll take this good news from Trent for now!

One of Haley's closest pals, Liz, that was her rock while she lived in IL is driving in tomorrow to spend the weekend in Memphis. We will be there with her tomorrow night, so she will be sure to receive tons of friend love. We'll get great updates from Liz while she's here this weekend and pass along to you all.

Lastly, I sent Aubrey's email about the Prayer quilt to Trent and Myra. Trent described it as awesome and is very grateful. I can't wait to find just the right verse for it.

I'll send another update tomorrow after visiting at 9:00pm.

Good night,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/05/10 Evening

I don't have much to update since the last email this afternoon. I talked with Trent around 7:30pm, and he said Haley hadn't woken up from surgery before he left to get some dinner. Thankfully, he left the hospital for the first time and had dinner with his brother. One of Trent's brothers lives in Southaven, MS which is a suburb of Memphis. He has a friend that has an extra condo in downtown Memphis, so Trent will be able to sleep there for a while. Isn't that wonderful and so great of that person!

I'll check in with Trent during the day tomorrow, and Brad and I are going to the hospital tomorrow evening. Now that things seem to be somewhat settled and if nothing major changes tomorrow, I will probably begin sending an updated each evening. If you have questions between emails, please don't hesitate to email or call me.

Good night,

Update on Haley - 05/05/10 Afternoon

Haley is out of surgery, and everything went well. Trent sent me a text at 2:30pm. The surgery began at 8:30pm, so it was approximately six hours.
I don't know any details as far as what the doctors said after surgery. I'm calling Trent after work.

Earlier today, I talked with Haley's mom and Trent separately. Myra is in good spirits today - she said, so and I could hear it in her voice. Here is a run down of all I gathered from her as for next steps:

- Today was to repair the tears in the lining around the brain. She was cut from ear to ear right behind the hair line. The doctor's moved her fractured skull (forehead) to have room to work on the frontal lobe. The reconstructive team repaired the skull with screws, etc. Basically, the objective was from the eye brows up regarding reconstruction.
- For approximately five days, they are letting her body heal. She will be in ICU during this time as far as I know.
- Next week, she will have another reconstructive surgery to work on the area between eye brows and top jaw structures. Her bottom jaw is fine which allows the doctors to be able to tell how her original facial features were placed. This surgery's objectives are the bone structure in the eye area as there is too much space currently and repair the top jaw bones which includes the roof of her mouth as that area is fractured and causing most of her teeth to be loose.

That is as far as her mom knows at this time.

Thank you for all your prayers. God blessed Haley again with the success of this surgery as it could have been much more intense had the surgeons not been able to repair those tears in the brain lining.

I'll send an email tonight even if it is just to say there is no update.

Keep praying,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Update on Haley 5/4/10

I visited with Trent and Haley's parents this evening and had the chance to see Haley for the first time.
Around 6:00pm, the doctor met with the family. Haley will have a full day of surgery tomorrow beginning at 7:30am (if no major traumas arrive at hospital and disrupt the current schedule). The family originally thought there would be another surgery tomorrow for her right eye, but that is not the case. As of now, the surgeons have done all they can for the eye. Hopefully, when they take off the bandages she will have sight in right eye.

The surgery tomorrow is for something completely different. Part of the skull beneath the forehead was crushed which is now causing spinal fluid to drain through her nose due a tear in the front portion of the lining of the brain. There is not a tear in the brain but only the lining. Doctor's think the fractured bones has caused this tear. A team of neurosurgeons will find and assess the tear once they get "in" and see what's going on. Following that, a team of reconstructive plastic surgeons will put the forehead of the skull back in place.

At 9:00pm, Trent, Haley's mom and dad, a family friend, and I went into the ICU room for around 30 minutes. She is still on the ventilator and swollen all over. The medicine she is on keeps her from being in pain and somewhat sedated. However, she is still coherent to an extent. She knew when we entered the room, started shaking her hands and immediately calmed down when Trent grabbed her arm and kissed it. We all prayed by her bedside and told her how much we love her. When I held her hand and told her I was there, she squeezed my hand and nodded her head. I made sure she is aware that all her Alabama girls (and Illinois Liz) love her so much and are praying very hard for her. Leigh asked that I tell her little Lilly Grace said a special prayer for her tonight before dinner. I asked if she remembers Lilly Grace and she immediately nodded her head, and listened when I told her about the special prayer.

Her eyes are completely covered with bandages, so she can't see anything right now. The ventilator keeps her from being able to speak, so she communicates by nodding and writing on a notepad. One time, she tried to write something that was all jumbled up, her mom and Trent asked her to write again slowly. She shook her head side to side, and I can just imagine her saying, "Y'all are so stupid."

There is no official recovery timeline that I know of other than her mom saying she will probably be there for around four weeks. The doctors did confirm all surgeries will be at The Med. Tonight made it all seem so unreal yet settle in how serious this is. God has spared her life, but it will be a long road to recovery for her.

Again, I place a disclaimer on this shared information that it is second hand and received in bits and pieces. I'll try to be sure and clarify any incorrect information I share as I find out or realize.

Tomorrow is going to be a critical day for Haley, so please pray hard and often for her, Trent, and her family. I'll send an update tomorrow as I receive information.

Good night,

Update on Haley 5/4/10

I'll start with a recap of what has taken place in case some of you aren't yet aware.
Please keep in mind while Brand and I have been to the hospital, all my information is second-hand from Haley's mom, friend Dana and Trent.

Haley was in a serious ATV accident yesterday afternoon in Corinth. She was driving a 4-wheeler with Trent's daughter Abby riding, and Trent was driving another one with his son Colton riding. They were riding in a deeply wooded area. I'm not sure of the details explaining the accident. Trent's daughter is ok, but the ATV fell on Haley's face.

Trent called 9-1-1, told them where he would come out of the woods, and put Haley and the kids on one 4-wheeler to get them to the road. The helicopter met them there and air-lifted Haley to The Med Trauma Center in Memphis. Again, I'm not certain of the timeline but Haley's mom, dad and Trent who drove to Memphis arrived at The Med around 5:30pm.

All bones in her face are fractured, she could only breathe from her mouth because her nose was crushed, the roof of her mouth is fractured, has some cuts on her cheeks, her sinus cavity located in the forehead area collapsed and her right eye is in critical condition. They took her into surgery last night at 10:30pm which ended around 2:00am this morning. The goal of the surgery was to work on the sinus cavity and right eye. Everything was successful except for the eye. The surgeon told her family they are not sure if the eye will be repaired as it is currently not responding. Her mom took this news pretty badly, so her parents went to a hotel for her mom to get some rest.

I went to see Trent this morning before work. The nurse took him and Dana back to surgery recovery at 6:00am to see Haley because of the long waiting list for a bed in ICU. Haley is on a ventilator because she is heavily sedated; there is an enormous amount of swelling in her face/head because of the trauma of impact and now the surgery. She squeezed Trent's hand, nodded her head and tried to move her mouth but couldn't.

The goal for today is monitoring the eye, swelling, and making sure no infection arises. Another surgery on the right eye is scheduled for tomorrow.

Trent is heartbroken and worried about Haley. He has great faith in God that she will be ok but is just overwhelmed with everything. Once Haley is placed in ICU, he will be able to visit with her for 30 minutes every 2 hours (even hours, 10, 12, etc.). I am going to call and check on Haley and Trent a couple times during the work day and taking him dinner this evening.

Rest assured, Haley is at the best trauma center in the Mid-South region. The Med is a scary place because everyone there has trauma issues or no medical insurance and located in a rough part of Memphis; however, it has state-of-the-art technology, the finest surgeons and residents because they specialize in serious issues, and is known as the go-to place for traumatic injuries.

As horrible as all this sounds, God has performed a miracle by allowing to us to still have our friend Haley with no brain, spine or other physical damage. She is going to be ok but has a tremendous road to recovery ahead of her. Please pray for her and the family.

I love all of you and will send another update tonight if not before then.

Christie Berry