Monday, May 24, 2010

Update on Haley, 05/24/10

Hi all,
Haley has been getting acclimated back at home since last Thursday. I asked her what the best part of being at home is, and she said, "Being at home."

She and Trent stayed with us last night, because she had an eye doctor appointment at 8:00am today. We had a nice dinner of Corky's BBQ and then talked a little before going to bed. Haley was tired and needed to get some rest.

We talked this afternoon, and she gave me an update about her appointment.
An outpatient surgery is scheduled to remove her right eye on Thursday, June 3rd. A few days ago, she told me this would take about 45 minutes. However, a couple other things will be done at the same time, so it may take a little longer. Her right eye lid still isn't opening, so the doctors are going to correct this. They said it will take "getting in" to determine what is causing it, but feel confident it will be fine. There are tests to find the cause, but the doctor said it is painful so will wait until she is under anesthesia. The other thing they will correct is the bottom part of the left eye (bottom eye lashes...can't think of the name right now). It sags slightly, so they will correct it during surgery also. The vision in the left eye is great at this phase. The only problem she has with it right now is looking down sharply. I asked if the prosthetic eye will be inserted during this same surgery, and she thinks so.

She also had an appointment with the facial surgeons. These doctors don't want to do any more surgeries until around Labor Day. They want to ensure all swelling is gone and everything is where it should be. This will allow them to know exactly what they are working with before moving forward.

Haley is doing good emotionally. She still has a positive attitude but needs our prayers to keep her spirits lifted. It is only natural that she will have emotional healing along with the physical during this time. Haley can't read texts on her iPhone yet, but Trent is a dear and reads them to her. So, send her love and keep praying for her, Trent, and her parents.

For all of you who sent prayers and well wishes for Haley to Aubrey for the prayer/friendship quilt, it is complete. Haley received it this weekend and loves it! She thinks it is wonderful and absolutely beautiful. Thanks to Aubrey and her mom for creating this amazing gift for Haley. And thanks to all of you who sent prayers, quotes, scripture, and thoughtful messages to include. Aubrey sent pictures, but they're not uploading to the post for some reason. I'll figure it out and include next time.

I'll post an update after surgery next week if not before.

Good night,

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