Saturday, May 15, 2010

05/15/2010, Evening

Haley had a rock star day and evening! It is amazing at how much happened so quickly today.

The hospital called Trent at 5:00am to let him know Haley was moved to a private room! After breakfast, we all went to her new room. When we arrived, she seemed stressed because she was in a new setting without knowing what it looked like and was by herself. First thing, she wrote on her board, "Please don't leave me by myself." Trent and Myra assured her that someone will be her around the clock. We immediately began setting up "house" by taping all her cards to the wall and getting her other items placed. After an hour or so, she seemed relaxed.

Next, a food tray was delivered to her room and she ate about three bites of grits and eggs! This was her first food other than the tube in 12 days, and she was so grateful. I wanted to run through the halls screaming in excitement on her behalf.

Then next, one of the oral and facial surgeons came in to make his rounds. He had wonderful bedside manner and spent a decent amount of time checking on her and explaining some things to her mom. Even though he's not the eye surgeon, Myra asked if he would clean her left eye, so it can open freely as soon as the swelling goes down enough. He then lifted the left eye lid and held up three fingers. She held up three fingers. I was standing at the foot of the bed directly in front of her, and when I realized she definitely could see I smiled from ear to hear and started waving both hands like a mad woman. Haley smiled and waved back. I was like a proud mama bear, and it made my heart flutter!

Ok, then a few hours later, Brad and I went to Kirkland's to get a lamp and couple other decorative items for her room, Myra called and said Trent called her and said the physical therapist got her out of bed and walked her to the nurse station right outside her door! She was able to walk for the first time in 12 days.

Later this evening, Brad and I went to the hospital to relieve Mike and Myra for dinner. Haley's friend Dana was visiting who is a nurse. Haley wanted some Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup, so Dana walked her from the bed to a chair. Haley sat up and drank the soup (with the mini noodles) from a straw. She sat in the chair for around thirty minutes and loved every minute of it. When she was sitting there, I looked over at Brad and almost teared up in amazement at God's healing power. It is surreal that all this has happened, but our friend Haley is fighting so hard to overcome this situation as quickly as possible.

Other the trach, feeding tube, and blood pressure thingy there is nothing else attached to her. The swelling reduces almost by the hour, and she looks better and better. She did say this morning that she is ready for all this to be over with, but she is the best patient in the world. She said someone told her the feeding tube will stay in until after the next surgery. She didn't know when the next surgery is planned to happen but she will be here for another four weeks.

While she is in the hospital, we're trying to make it as comfortable for her as possible. Trent got her a dock for her iPhone and put some good chill music on it for her, we put a light in the room to avoid using the harsh fluorescent overhead light, placed her cards on the blinds and wall (which will be completely covered soon), put an electric cooler/fridge in the room, hung a plaque that says, "with God, all things are possible", and a coordinating monogram "L" rug beside her bed (She's the manager of Kirkland's, so yes it is necessary.) When she opens her eyes, we want her to be in as comforting of a setting as possible.

The last thing I will share is a special visit from the Kirkland's truck driver who came for the second Saturday in a row. He and his wife are the sweetest people, and Haley lights up when they visit. Before they left this morning, he asked if he could pray for Haley. We all joined hands and circled her bed while he said a lovely and uplifting prayer. It is still the best thing any of us can do for her right now - pray. She is in a new phase of the healing process and will continue to need all our prayers as the phases continue to transition.

Good night,

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