Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/05/10 Afternoon

Haley is out of surgery, and everything went well. Trent sent me a text at 2:30pm. The surgery began at 8:30pm, so it was approximately six hours.
I don't know any details as far as what the doctors said after surgery. I'm calling Trent after work.

Earlier today, I talked with Haley's mom and Trent separately. Myra is in good spirits today - she said, so and I could hear it in her voice. Here is a run down of all I gathered from her as for next steps:

- Today was to repair the tears in the lining around the brain. She was cut from ear to ear right behind the hair line. The doctor's moved her fractured skull (forehead) to have room to work on the frontal lobe. The reconstructive team repaired the skull with screws, etc. Basically, the objective was from the eye brows up regarding reconstruction.
- For approximately five days, they are letting her body heal. She will be in ICU during this time as far as I know.
- Next week, she will have another reconstructive surgery to work on the area between eye brows and top jaw structures. Her bottom jaw is fine which allows the doctors to be able to tell how her original facial features were placed. This surgery's objectives are the bone structure in the eye area as there is too much space currently and repair the top jaw bones which includes the roof of her mouth as that area is fractured and causing most of her teeth to be loose.

That is as far as her mom knows at this time.

Thank you for all your prayers. God blessed Haley again with the success of this surgery as it could have been much more intense had the surgeons not been able to repair those tears in the brain lining.

I'll send an email tonight even if it is just to say there is no update.

Keep praying,

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