Saturday, May 8, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/08/10 Evening

Thankfully, there is more good news to share about Haley's recovery.
I last saw her at 9:00am, and she was doing good. It was my favorite visit so far. It just felt like we were all spending time with our good friend Haley. Liz, Trent, Abby and I laughed and cackled while Haley smiled. I just know/hope she was laughing inside.

Liz has been with her each visitation and said she got stronger with each one. Leigh Graham Prince (Tupelo, MS) and her close pal Lauren Mitchell (Florence, AL) drove in to see her today. Haley has so many amazing friendships.

Leigh sent a text message out this evening that included great news: all her vitals are good and she's initiating every breath on the ventilator. Leigh reported back that Haley is still funny without sight or speech! She held Haley's hand and told her how much we're all thinking about her.

Liz said they played some music for her, and Haley gave them a little hand dance. Also, Liz said "they" (I'm assuming nurses) told them Haley had a rough Friday night. She has been taken off Dilaudin (sp?), a very strong pain medication, because she was having bad hallucinations and hearing things. Now, she's only on Percoset and will receive Morphine if needed.

Now, for the truly amazing news of the day - Haley says she can see light out of both eyes! When Trent went in her room this evening, he turned on the light. Haley wrote on the dry erase board, "Turn off the light." Trent asked her two times during the visit if she could see out of her right eye. Both times, Haley nodded yes. Finally at the end of the visit when it was only Trent and Haley in the room, he leaned into her and touched her right cheek. Then he said, "I'm going to ask one more time to make sure. Are you sure you can see out of your right eye?" At this point, Haley raised her fist and waived it in the air at him and nodded yes. While telling me this, I could hear how grateful and hopeful Trent is. He thinks it will be Monday before the doctors will look at the eye again, so keep the prayers flowing about her vision in the right eye.

If you want to send cards or anything else to Haley, feel free to send them to our house. I'll make sure to deliver them to Haley and Trent. She can have items taped to the blinds to decorate her room. From the way things are progressing, it may not be too long until her eyes are open and will be able to see all her well wishes between visits.

Good night,

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