Friday, May 14, 2010

Update on Haley - 05/14/10 Evening

Haley is doing good today especially after having such a major surgery yesterday. She is still receiving morphine but is much more alert than I thought she would be. When we visited this evening at 5:00pm, she was mouthing words and writing down plenty. I'm pretty sure I heard the faintest whisper ever!

When I asked how she was today, she said "ok" and nodded her head in a reassuring way. Then said she is getting a lot of rest today. She is fighting so hard through what has to be a painful physical and emotional journey. Everything is as it should be right now regarding her status. Maybe even better when you factor in her great attitude. It was wonderful to see her without the neck collar, ventilator and eye bandages. It has to be more comfortable for her now that less is on her face and neck.

So you have an understanding of her physical condition, the right eye is swollen more than the left. There is a cut on the left eyelid and a stitched line from the left eye over to the right eye. Her chin and cheeks are swollen from the surgery, but Trent says the swelling has gone down since yesterday. Which is of course wonderful.

Abbie, Nick and baby Kate Speyrer sent her the very sweetest card. She asked me to read it to her. While reading it, she would mouth, "ah". She hung on to every word. Then I told her Abby wrote a little note from Kate and traced Kate's hand, she said, "Ooh." Abby sent some pictures with Haley and one of Nick and Haley. I described each one to her, and she just smiled and nodded her head.

She wrote, "I should be moving to a room soon!" She nodded yes when I asked if that's what "they" told her today. Trent will be glad for her to be in a room, so he and others can spend more time and the night with her. We told her we'll sell tickets to the line of people who will file in when they can see her at all times.

Trent and his daughter Abby are staying with us tonight. They've gone back to the 9:00pm visitation. Trent is tired but doing an amazing job of taking care of Haley as best possible. I think it makes him feel good to have Abby here on the weekends. She is such a sweet and beautiful young lady. I'm not sure how much you all know about Myra, but she is a hoot. Myra told Haley that Abby has inherited many things from her (Myra). Abby is taller, thin, and tan. Myra is shorter than me and fair complected. Haley wrote and asked if Myra was referring to her height or skin tone. It was just like old times with Haley entertaining everyone around.

Keep praying,

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