Monday, May 17, 2010

Update on Haley, 05/17/10

Hi all,
Haley had another wonderful day. She was busy today with visitors and a shower. When Brad and I walked in, she was sitting up in the bed wearing pretty pink pajamas that were a gift from her friend Kamesha. She looked fresh from her shower.

Trent and Brad went to dinner, so Haley and I just hung out and talked. She is now able to get enough wind beyond the trach to speak at times! It was music to my ears to hear her talking. She was really tired after a few full days. She said the trach will either be removed or downsized considerably this Thursday. It aggravates her, so she is more than ready for it to be gone. The nurse put an ointment in her left eye, so she couldn't see us until right before we left. When she could see, she waved to let us know.

The doctors made their rounds today and everything is as it should be. My dear pal and co-worker Leslie Broadway's husband is a fifth year neurosurgeon at the Med and stopped by to visit with her today. He told her that he's keeping up with her progress. After he visited with her, he told Leslie that Haley looks great. You know I will drop a name or two to make sure my pals are taken care of, so everyone at the Med knows Haley has a connection to Dr. Broadway!

While the guys were gone to dinner, she asked if I would file her nails. She had to give me a lesson as manicures are not my strong suit. Her patience is inspiring...even with me attempting to file her nails. While I worked on her nails, she told me that she saw herself for the first time last night. She was positive and grateful for how good she looks as she thought it would be worse. I assured her that she looks great and gets better every day.

Trent asked me to bring avocado, lime, and sea salt because she was craving it. He sliced the avocado and sprinkled with lime juice and salt. She ate half of it and made Brad eat a slice (because he doesn't like avocado). Of course, he couldn't say no to Haley, so we got a kick out watching him put it down.

Her room continues to be filled with cards and gifts. She loves the beautiful and huge arrangement sent by the Octagon ladies. It has the biggest sunflowers, hot pink hydrangea, and lilies. Thankfully, it is large enough to sit on the floor, because there isn't much counter space in the room.

As she took a little nap, I realized again how lucky we all are to have Haley in our lives as a friend, wife, daughter and/or family member. Haley is precious, and God has blessed us with her.

Good night,

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