Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update on Haley, 05/19/10

Hi all,
Haley and Trent are in great spirits because they are going home tomorrow! Brad and I just got home from a wonderful visit. It was like we were all hanging out talking together somewhere other than the Med.

Today was another big day. The stitches on her forehead and the trach were removed earlier in the day. She also had several visitors. We almost didn't go because she was so tired, but she had a great nap this afternoon and let us know she was rested. Her vision in the left eye is blurry at times because of ointment and drops. She is regaining her balance and was walking around the room by herself and doing great.

Trent and Haley will be back in Memphis Sunday night, because her eye appointment is early Monday morning. The condo they were staying at is available again, so they will be able to stay there Sunday night. Haley believes that all surgeries will be outpatient from now on unless something changes.

Haley asked that I keep updating the blog until she and Trent are settled at home. Trent said I will probably need to do it until Haley can even though I assured him it is as easy Facebook. The plan for tomorrow is they will hopefully leave early, get home and situated, turn phones off, A/C on high, and get some sleep in their own bed.

If you want to visit them in Corinth, it is best to text Trent or Myra and arrange with them. If you need their numbers, just let me know. Haley can see her phone but again her vision is sometimes blurry and will hopefully be getting good rest for the next few days. Also, if you want to send mail or packages, I can text or email you their address.

Haley and Trent are grateful to God, all of you for praying, visiting, cards, gifts, calls, and messages, and the doctor's who have and will continue to assist. Tonight, she said she's a believer in miracles and knows if it is God's will for her to regain site in her right eye, it will happen. Please keep praying for God to continue healing Haley physically and emotionally and be with Trent and her parents.

Good night,

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