Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Update on Haley 5/4/10

I'll start with a recap of what has taken place in case some of you aren't yet aware.
Please keep in mind while Brand and I have been to the hospital, all my information is second-hand from Haley's mom, friend Dana and Trent.

Haley was in a serious ATV accident yesterday afternoon in Corinth. She was driving a 4-wheeler with Trent's daughter Abby riding, and Trent was driving another one with his son Colton riding. They were riding in a deeply wooded area. I'm not sure of the details explaining the accident. Trent's daughter is ok, but the ATV fell on Haley's face.

Trent called 9-1-1, told them where he would come out of the woods, and put Haley and the kids on one 4-wheeler to get them to the road. The helicopter met them there and air-lifted Haley to The Med Trauma Center in Memphis. Again, I'm not certain of the timeline but Haley's mom, dad and Trent who drove to Memphis arrived at The Med around 5:30pm.

All bones in her face are fractured, she could only breathe from her mouth because her nose was crushed, the roof of her mouth is fractured, has some cuts on her cheeks, her sinus cavity located in the forehead area collapsed and her right eye is in critical condition. They took her into surgery last night at 10:30pm which ended around 2:00am this morning. The goal of the surgery was to work on the sinus cavity and right eye. Everything was successful except for the eye. The surgeon told her family they are not sure if the eye will be repaired as it is currently not responding. Her mom took this news pretty badly, so her parents went to a hotel for her mom to get some rest.

I went to see Trent this morning before work. The nurse took him and Dana back to surgery recovery at 6:00am to see Haley because of the long waiting list for a bed in ICU. Haley is on a ventilator because she is heavily sedated; there is an enormous amount of swelling in her face/head because of the trauma of impact and now the surgery. She squeezed Trent's hand, nodded her head and tried to move her mouth but couldn't.

The goal for today is monitoring the eye, swelling, and making sure no infection arises. Another surgery on the right eye is scheduled for tomorrow.

Trent is heartbroken and worried about Haley. He has great faith in God that she will be ok but is just overwhelmed with everything. Once Haley is placed in ICU, he will be able to visit with her for 30 minutes every 2 hours (even hours, 10, 12, etc.). I am going to call and check on Haley and Trent a couple times during the work day and taking him dinner this evening.

Rest assured, Haley is at the best trauma center in the Mid-South region. The Med is a scary place because everyone there has trauma issues or no medical insurance and located in a rough part of Memphis; however, it has state-of-the-art technology, the finest surgeons and residents because they specialize in serious issues, and is known as the go-to place for traumatic injuries.

As horrible as all this sounds, God has performed a miracle by allowing to us to still have our friend Haley with no brain, spine or other physical damage. She is going to be ok but has a tremendous road to recovery ahead of her. Please pray for her and the family.

I love all of you and will send another update tonight if not before then.

Christie Berry

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